A Sneak Peek of a post from the PT Mom Boss Community

The PT Mom Boss Community exists to connect women with a community and tools to balance PT life, Mom life, and Boss life. Some members of the community are also a part of 12 week cohorts to move their cash PT clinics forward. The women in the cohort “Content Calendar Crash Course” are learning, creating, and implementing an effective content calendar strategy using Donald Miller’s Business Made Simple Platform.

You don’t have to be a business owner in order to be a part of the PT Mom Boss Community, but you will definitely benefit from some of the marketing and messaging tips and lessons! In fact, I would argue, understanding and using the storybrand framework has made me a better mom and a better physical therapist.

In any case, I wanted to share with you this excerpt from a post inside the PT Mom Boss Community. Posts inside the community are intended to connect women, support women, and provide women with tools in “microlearning” format that can be consumed in 5-10 minutes while waiting for your kiddo to finish soccer practice.

Click here to learn more about joining the PT Mom Boss Community!

Without further ado…here’s the sneek peek ⬇️

Business Made Simple (BMS) Webinar Review of "Make Q4 Your Biggest Revenue Quarter Ever"

I hope all of you had a chance to join live for the BMS Webinar “Make Q4 Your Biggest Revenue Quarter Ever” 

If you missed it, the replay will be available to watch in Business Made Simple on August 22, 2024. Until you can watch the replay, here is a review of my main take-aways and how they pertain to physical therapy!

The Webinar Format

First of all, I want you to notice the format of a 50 minute webinar, including the overall theme and 3 main pillars of the presentation. (I wish I would have tracked the exact timestamps for you, but I have thrown out my estimates.)

Overall Theme: Uncertainty of Q4 and how to overcome it

3 Main Pillars: Mindset, Strategy, and Tactics

⌛🔟 Intro to the theme: 3 minutes

⌛🔟 Speaker 1 (Pillar 1): 10 minutes

⌛3️⃣ Review by host: 3 minutes

⌛🔟 Speak 2 (Pillar 2): 10 minutes

⌛3️⃣ Review by host: 3 minutes

⌛🔟 Speaker 3 (Pillar 3): 10 minutes

⌛3️⃣ Review by host: 3 minutes

⌛2️⃣ Action Items by host: 2 minutes

⌛3️⃣ Call to Action by host: 3 minutes

⌛1️⃣ Special wrap up (JJs toast): 1 minute

This webinar is considered long form content and there are about a billion ways (approximately 😁) to create short form content from this one webinar. Whether it’s a webinar or a blogpost, or whether you have speakers or it’s just you, start thinking in this format!

Helpful Take Aways from the Speakers

🧘‍♀️ Erika on Mindset:

Activate your dream team: I hope you have already figured out and feel that PT Mom Boss is a member of your Dream Team! I am so grateful for our small but mighty community.

One thing that makes cash PT a beautiful thing is the ability to create life-long customers. I have just downloaded the book “Never Lose A Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 days” by Joey Coleman. Looking forward to posting my thoughts and take-aways from it as it pertains to physical therapy!

📊 Dominique on Strategy:

“Don’t take advice from people that aren’t doing it in their own business.” Ouch. Pretty sure this sucker punch was for me. I am openly joining you on this journey as I start to build content from the ground up.

Identify your Seasons. This is hard to do as you are starting out, because you don’t have a previous year to compare it to. But you do have your own social calendar. What season are you in and what season is coming up? Are you someone who likes to work less in December to spend time with family and friends? Do you also plan on launching a big January campaign to capitalize on new year’s resolutions? Then you better be planting those January seeds in November. This idea of seasons is helpful as we create our content calendars.

Rachel’s brain interprets it like this;

For Q4 (October-November-December)

🌱 What seeds are you planting for later growth? 

How are you measuring it?

How are you tracking it?

💦 What seeds are you watering that you have already planted? 

How are you measuring it?

How are you tracking it?

💰 What plants are you currently harvesting?

How are you measuring it?

How are you tracking it?

You can think of this in the form of clients, programing, or business development.

But no matter which season you are in, you need to:

💪 Set your goals.

📊 Decide how to measure it.

🐾 Decide how to track it.

Rinse and repeat. Every. Single. Quarter. 

You can bet this is going to come up again in our cohort groups.

Eric on Tactics

We are all “Slash Owners”. CEO/Physical Therapist/Website creator/Custodian etc. 

Allow yourself some grace and do what you can with what you have, don’t overthink it, and just get it out there. 

When we create content we think we are talking to other industry experts. But the reality is most people don’t know what you know. ➡️ Which means you don’t have to say much, and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

90% of consumers say a video helps them to make a buying decision.

Start practicing short form video (portrait mode for 15-30 seconds). Start with the hook (the problem) and then provide value (don’t introduce yourself and work towards minimizing the ums!)

Type of Content for short form video

  1. Connect-something trending, current event, take your brand/message and connect it

  2. Comment or provide commentary-take something that someone else created (or said about how to do PT) and make comments based on your expertise, establishes you as an authority with empathy. (I think as PTs we need to be cautious about this one so it doesn’t undermine other healthcare professionals.)

  3. Create-original content-understand the platform and the audience who spends time there, which one are you on? Start there. Do the one you can sustain.

When creating content stick with the jab, jab, jab, right hook!

Translation: value, value, value, call to action!
Don’t be one of the 73% of people that go to a webinar and then do nothing! I know I’m not going to be!

My Action Items From This Webinar Are:

  1. Write a summary review for my community to add value to our new online platform and to make it easier for people to review quickly if they didn’t have a chance to go to the webinar.

  2. Write at least 1 goal for this quarter in each of the categories of plant, grow, and harvest (including how to measure and track!)

  3. Before next cohort meeting, record at least 2 reels on IG and FB.

Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of a post inside the PT Mom Boss Community! Want to join our tribe? Click here to learn more!


How to Choose an Email Campaign Platform for Cash Based PT Clinics