Creating community, tools, and coaching for physical therapist moms to find balance in
#PTlife #Momlife #Bosslife
Because our profession needs you.
And so do your kids.
And you deserve a plan to create joy in both
before you completely burnout.

Our profession is 70% women, many of whom are also moms. It's time we start supporting solutions to juggle both roles before we burn out.
Have you found yourself;
Feeling alone in the struggle of balancing work life and mom life?
Too busy at work (so you can get home to pick up the kids!) to connect with other women in our profession who get it?
Feeling stagnant in your career growth plan?
Lacking specific tools to help you succeed rather than just "tips and tricks"?
Telling yourself, "This is just how it is I guess."
Encouraging your patients to create a healthy balanced life...but not having one yourself?
As a part of the PT Mom Boss Community you will experience the relief and joy of being surrounded by people who understand.
24/7 Community Access
We host an app based community that is easy to use, avoids distractions, and keeps everything in one place. You have enough complications in your life-we are keeping this one simple.
National Connections
Maybe you have a couple PT moms in your clinic, but there are thousands of us. It's time we start connecting in a consistent and meaningful way instead of at the occasional conference or event.
And we are stronger together. Or in the words of my daughter’s 2nd grade teacher, “Who is the smartest person in the room? It is always THE ROOM!”
Learning that fits your lifestyle
PT Mom Boss understands that learning, growing, and connecting happens in micro-moments. It might be after the kids are in bed. Or during soccer practice. Or during naptime. We provide flexible ways to dream, plan, and grow in a way that fits your life. Because ultimately we are helping you build the life you want to live. Because our profession needs you. And your kids need you too.

How It Works
Join the #PTMomBoss Community
Choose a monthly, 3 month, 6 month, or annual plan!
Dive in!
Once inside the community, your onboarding coach will help you decide how deep you want to dive-do you just want to focus on connecting with others and keep it light? Attend our micro-learning sessions? Or dive deep with a cohort group to reach a specific goal?
Feel the joy
Feel the joy that comes with a life built with intention. Balance doesn’t happen in a day (or sometimes even in a week!) but in the bigger picture you will know you have built a balanced LIFE with women who understand ALL the feelings of #PTlife #Momlife and #Bosslife
Be a mom who is grounded. Balanced. Fulfilled. And doing what you love without guilt.
I was drawn to the profession of physical therapy because it feels like a place where women can have it all.
A professional career with leadership growth, flexibility, and the chance to work less during certain seasons of life to spend time with children, all while helping patients overcome pain.
Well. Too many women don’t get to experience this. But I think you can. It just takes a little more intention. Don’t give up on our profession.
As a mother of young children and a wife of a research vessel captain, I have to design my life to accommodate stints of single parenting due to my husband's varied work schedule. I successfully dreamed, planned, started, and grew my own cash based physical therapy clinic where I saw clients two days a week, had one administrative day, and spent two days at home. This model allowed me to be professionally challenged and autonomous, pay myself a reasonable salary, and be flexible to get the things done that were important to me.
Including being the mom and role model I dreamed of. The one who is grounded, balanced, fulfilled, and contributing positively to the world around me without guilt.
Then life changed and I had to pivot.
Luckily, as a mom, my superpower is the ability to pivot.
My husband lost his job unexpectedly, and within 6 months we had moved from coastal North Carolina to the shores of Lake Superior, which means I had to close the doors to my successful cash based practice.
Ultimately, this opened the door to building up a different dream-where I help other physical therapy moms to discover and build their own career path to a balanced and joyful life. I became a Certified Business Coach with Business Made Simple (the platform I used to build my own successful cash based clinic) to have access to professional tools and resources…because mama don’t have time to recreate the wheel.
And you are running out of time too. Our kids are growing up fast and they are watching and learning from the life you are leading. Show them how a meaningful career is one piece of a balanced life.
Because our profession needs you. And so do your kids. And you deserve a way to find joy in both.